Print files on paper or cardstock of choice.(if you do not see the email, check your spam folder or email us at ) Once payment is confirmed you will receive an email with a link to your download from:.Have fun at your next gathering in 3 easy steps: More helpful tips are on our digital printables FAQs page.By purchasing any items from this store, you agree to the above policies and our digital printables terms of use.Please use 'actual size' or 100% when printing do not 'scale to fit'.
Colors may vary slightly due to monitor or print settings.The download link will work up to 30 days from your purchase before expiring, whichever occurs first it is your responsibility to download and save to your device to use as many times as you like.
Thank you for respecting the many hours of hard work have gone into the creation of this product and for your support of our small shop. Within a few minutes of your purchase, download link(s) to your products will be sent to the email address linked to your purchase.